University of Notre Dame Fellowship in Informatics & Entrepreneurship

The University of Notre Dame is pleased to announce a new Fellowship in the ESTEEM Master’s program in Entrepreneurship, Technology, & Innovation.

The “Barbara Rapchak and Frank Naeymi-Rad Fellowship” is awarded annually to a student seeking to enroll in the ESTEEM Graduate Program at the University of Notre Dame who intends to pursue a career in biomedical informatics or health care and has an undergraduate or graduate degree in the STEM disciplines. The recipient of the Fellowship will receive a substantial scholarship.

The ESTEEM Graduate Program equips students from technical backgrounds with the skills and experience to launch new businesses. Students are immersed in an entrepreneurial sandbox, where they get their hands dirty with innovation and launching new ventures through a cutting-edge curriculum, a capstone commercialization project for an emerging technology, and outstanding out-of-the-classroom experiences.

ESTEEM emphasizes the action of entrepreneurship, not just the study of it. For more information contact Kyle Williams email: Download the brochure.

ESTEEM Graduate Program | Phone 574-631-0097 |


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